
September 15, 2024

Midweek Training: Fall and Winter training begins in October. Meet at the Church on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. We will prepare our minds and hearts to shepherd the people God has put in our lives reviewing Bible doctrine and introducing evangelism tools. Are you confident in giving the gospel? Are you ready to shepherd a person in your life who begins to follow Jesus? We will also pray together for the spiritual needs around us. Click Here to sign up. 

If you cannot come to the ministry that night and want the additional training, then please let Pastor know.

Fall Sunday School: All the children begin in the downstairs classrooms. Following class, teachers will bring their children to the gym and watch over them till parents come. Parents, please come promptly. 


Meals: Deacon Ken Biastock will be asking men to pray for the beginning of our noon meals. Please be willing to step forward and pray to begin the meals. It is a simple but important way for our men to lead in the assembly. 


Youth & Young Adult: Pastor needs to discuss our monthly activities with you. Please gather in the gym following the service for a quick meeting. 


Missions: Yusef Abdnour will give us an update on September 29. 


Moving furniture: Please help remove tables and chairs from the gym after the meal today in preparation for floor waxing.


Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm: InKSTERs will meet at the church to discuss God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. Please let Kristen know if you plan to attend or need a GoogleMeet invite.